brewery zotmans


Liquid gold

60 min

Are you ready to break into Bruges’ most secured vault? In this unique experience you team up as burglars, trying to steal the famous Zotmans Beer recipe. The biggest export product of Bruges. You will infiltrate the family residence of the Zotmans family, surpassing the guard and dismantling all security systems in order to get the recipe.

3 pers. / 30€ p.p.

4 pers. / 25€ p.p.

5 pers. / 25€ p.p.

6 pers. / 25€ p.p.



Genetic manipulation

60 min

You and your research team will try to unravel one of Bruges’ biggest mysteries.

The medical company Biogenum is founded to provide civilians high quality medical exam. Rumor has it experiments are executed on animals and unborn mammals are revived.

The company is drenched in web of mystery and hearsay. The investigation is off the record. After closingtime you will enter the building through the secret entrance.

Good luck. You will need it.


3 pers. / 30€ p.p.

4 pers. / 25€ p.p.

5 pers. / 25€ p.p.

6 pers. / 25€ p.p.

the hangover (18+)

The hottest Stripclub of Bruges

60 MIN

Your friend has been missing for weeks. The politie is desperate and every trace leads to a dead end. That’s why you and your team put a private investigator on this case. This detective has discovered that your friend hung out a lot in stripclub The Hangover. He has visited the club and interrogated a few suspects. Sadly, again, nothing popped up. Time to take action and sort things out yourself. Try to discover what happened to your friend at the stripclub. 

The Hangover is a kinky escape room, not allowed for children. Prepare for peepshows, sextoys and lapdances in VR. 

The Hangover is and escape game for adults (18+)

4 – 6 pers. / 25€ p.p.

masked ball

bal masqué escape room

Solve the mystery of the masked ball and go home with the one and only Golden Magnum bottle.

60 - 90 min

In the golden age (15th &16th century) the famous port city Bruges was nicknamed Little Venice of the North. During this period annual gatherings were held at the Prinsenhof. These meetings were only accessible for notorious and wealthy merchants and entrepreneurs of North- and Western Europe. The 25th edition is celebrated with a big masked ball. The centerpiece of this event is a golden Magnum bottle with a huge pricetag. 

Every merchant knew about this bottle but nobody has ever seen it in real life. Until today. Now’s your chance to win the golden Magnum. All you have to do is to prove that you’re the brightest, smartest, most handy merchant of them all. Up for it?

7 – 12 pers. / 25€ p.p.